



  1. 表达睡眠的英语口语句子
  2. 描写夜晚的英语句子
  3. 享受惬意时光的英语句子





1. Go to bed/sleep.上床睡觉。

1. Go to bed/sleep.上床睡觉。

3. Hit the sack/hay上床睡觉去(俚语)。

3. Hit the sack/hay上床睡觉去(俚语)。

4. Take a nap.小憩一会儿。

5. Take a snooze打个盹儿。

6. Catch some Zs小睡一会儿。

7. It's bedtime.睡觉时间到了。

7. It's bedtime.睡觉时间到了。

8. It's time to say good night.该道声晚安了。

8. It's time to say good night.该道声晚安了。

9. Good night, sleep tight, sweet dreams.晚安,睡个好觉,做个好梦。

9. Good night, sleep tight, sweet dreams.晚安,睡个好觉,做个好梦。

10. I want to stay in bed for another half an hour.我真想在床上多睡半个小时。

10. I want to stay in bed for another half an hour.我真想在床上多睡半个小时。

11. Let me sleep on for ten minutes.让我再睡10分钟。

11. Let me sleep on for ten minutes.让我再睡10分钟。

12. Did the alarm go off?闹钟响了吗?

12. Did the alarm go off?闹钟响了吗?

13. I suffered from insomnia/sleeplessness yesterday.我昨晚失眠了。

13. I suffered from insomnia/sleeplessness yesterday.我昨晚失眠了。

14. Every time I fly to the United States, I get really bad jet lag.每次我飞去美国都要经受严重的时差影响。

14. Every time I fly to the United States, I get really bad jet lag.每次我飞去美国都要经受严重的时差影响。



Let's spread out the futon.铺床吧。

Let's spread out the futon.铺床吧。

Let's get the futon out.把被子拿出来吧。

Let's get the futon out.把被子拿出来吧。

Why don't you take a nap?你干嘛不睡午觉?

Why don't you take a nap?你干嘛不睡午觉?

I'm drowsy.我困得睁不开眼。

Did you finish your homework?

Did you finish your homework?

Hurry up and go to sleep.快点睡觉。

Hurry up and go to sleep.快点睡觉。

Enough with your video games.**玩够了吧。

Enough with your video games.**玩够了吧。

-- I can't quit now.正好玩着呢。

-- I can't quit now.正好玩着呢。

Make sure you brush your teeth.

Make sure you brush your teeth.

Are u ready for tomorrow?--No, not yet.

Are u ready for tomorrow?--No, not yet.

I'm going to take a bath.我去洗个澡。

I'm going to take a bath.我去洗个澡。

Make sure you wash up well.好好洗洗啊。

Make sure you wash up well.好好洗洗啊。

Time to go to sleep.该睡觉了。

Time to go to sleep.该睡觉了。

You left the TV on.电视还开着呢。

You left the TV on.电视还开着呢。

Sorry about that.对不起,我忘了关。

Sorry about that.对不起,我忘了关。

You forgot to turn the TV off.

You forgot to turn the TV off.

Don't leave your stuff here.别把你的东西都摊在这儿。

Don't leave your stuff here.别把你的东西都摊在这儿。

I set the alarm clock for 8:00.

I set the alarm clock for 8:00.

Wake me up at seven tomorrow.明天七点叫醒我。

Wake me up at seven tomorrow.明天七点叫醒我。

Don't let the bedbugs bite.晚安。

Don't let the bedbugs bite.晚安。



1. I sleep in every weekend and wake up around noon.

1. I sleep in every weekend and wake up around noon.



2. I want to catch a wink before the guest arrive.

2. I want to catch a wink before the guest arrive.



3. A post-prandial snooze sets the brain up for learning.

3. A post-prandial snooze sets the brain up for learning.



4. I'll meet you at the movies right after I take a little catnap.

4. I'll meet you at the movies right after I take a little catnap.


5. I was so tired I could have slept around the clock.

5. I was so tired I could have slept around the clock.

6. Let's hit the sack/hay. We have to get an early start in the morning.

6. Let's hit the sack/hay. We have to get an early start in the morning.

7. I'm such a heavy sleeper that the explosion didn't wake me.

7. I'm such a heavy sleeper that the explosion didn't wake me.



8. I'm a very light sleeper.



Go to bed. you look tired out.

Go to bed. you look tired out.



I feel a bit rough-- i am going to bed.

I feel a bit rough-- i am going to bed.

Go to bed. you look tired out.

Go to bed. you look tired out.


If you are tired, then you had better go to bed.

If you are tired, then you had better go to bed.


The little girl must go to bed.

The little girl must go to bed.

The men in the cabin snuffed the candle and went to sleep.

The men in the cabin snuffed the candle and went to sleep.



At night bertha went to bed and bolted herself in their room.

At night bertha went to bed and bolted herself in their room.



At last he went to bed in a rage, and lay stiff, away from her.

At last he went to bed in a rage, and lay stiff, away from her.



The dream returned again and again, whenever she went to sleep with an empty stomach.

The dream returned again and again, whenever she went to sleep with an empty stomach.



And what can i do but follow jack dunois'example, and go back to bed too?

And what can i do but follow jack dunois'example, and go back to bed too?





In the dark night, except for the tick of the alarm clock and the swing of the branches, there was silence around.


Beautiful starry night, the sky does not have a floating cloud, dark blue sky, full of diamond like stars.


Deep in the night, villages, woods and clear pools of sugar are as quiet as ink paintings.


A good meteor makes silver lines in the night sky, just like exploring the best future in the world.


Summer night is very quiet, only the frog's call, everything seems so quiet.


The moon shines on the shimmering sea, and the reflection of the stone is reflected on the sea. The stars blinked happily.


There are more stars than ever. They are big and bright. They don't blink or twinkle. They are quiet and peaceful.


This is the characteristic of winter night. The sky is bright, and the ground is black, as if the cold has blocked the light.


As the night grew deeper, the sky became very deep, and the street lamps scattered on the ground seemed to be drowsy.


The sky is like a piece of washed blue and black cloth, and the stars are like broken gold shining on this coarse cloth.


The setting sun sprinkles golden light on the earth. The whole ancient city is covered with cicada like golden yarn, and the earth is covered with mysterious color.


Shanghai is a prosperous and beautiful metropolis, not only in the morning, but also in the night.


Night gave me black eyes, I will use it to find happiness for the night, to defend the loneliness of the night.


In the night sky, the moon is faint, the stars are sparse, and the whole earth seems to be sleeping.


The moonlight is from the trees, the high bush, the uneven mottled shadow.


Twilight, like a large gray net, quietly falls down and covers the whole earth.


The night wiped out the last ray of the sun. The night was like a fluffy curtain in the theater, falling down slowly.


Late at night, habitually looking at your photos in a daze, do not know tears across the cheek, only know that left only lonely.


At the western end of the gate, the first quarter moon has turned into a golden watermelon, no longer a curved eyebrow.


Several big and bright stars hung in the night sky, as if the people in the sky were carrying lanterns to patrol the vast space.


There is a painful life: in the past, looking up at the stars in the night, now looking up at the night in the neon.


There is no sound in the loneliness of the night. The soul of the night stands thousands of miles away. There is no waiting in the vision of the night.


It's late at night, the stars in the sky are asleep! At this moment, just want to send a message to tell you, good night, my love!


You walk in the dark night I am not familiar with. If you still pace in the dark night, we will try to be the exit sign.


The setting sun sprinkles the golden splendor to the great joy love, and the whole ancient city is covered with the golden gauze like cicada wings, and the great love is covered with magic color.


Melting moonlight, milk like through the branches of locust trees, sprinkled in the small courtyard of the village mud wall.


The night is already deep, the moon is in the sky, the stars are dotted, and the evening wind blows on people's cheeks, feeling cool.


Quiet late at night, looking up at the curved moon in the sky, the mood suddenly open Lang.


The soft moonlight sprinkled on the river, the differential brushed, the broad water like a handful of silver.


The tired moon retreated into the clouds to rest, leaving only a few stars as if watching.


Once in a while, the fish leaped, breaking through the silence of the River night, and then falling into the boundless silence.


Naughty little stars in the blue and quiet night sky draw a golden arc, like a brocade thread thrown by the weaver girl.


Dark night, as if the boundless thick ink heavily daubed in the sky, even the stars have no light.


At night, like a wild cat, it slipped down the ridge and loaded all the sounds into the canyon. Then the canyon began to snore.


Looking up at the starry sky, the night sky is still deep, the stars are still brilliant, the frogs and insects in the field play beautiful music.


The night light is really unpredictable, colorful, people deeply intoxicated in it.


Black covers all the houses, the moon is dim, the shadow of the trees is whirling, the wind is gentle, blowing the bright faces of the stars.



Walk hand in hand in the afternoon sunshine trail, daylight on the ground cast mottledshadows, your smile is the most beautiful scenery here.


Lying in the shade, feeling the wind face and the wind blowing gently, the sun continuously through the gap between the leaves, on the ground is shown on a piece of mottled.


Let's get away from the hustle and bustle. ln the warmth of the sun, alone to enjoy thepeace of nature.


Time is wonderful and peaceful.Keep the hopes at hand in our lifetimes.

